Posts in Prayer
Praying - Amy Lawrence

As I write this, I am thinking how unqualified I am to be discussing something I struggle with myself. Don’t get me wrong, the desire to pray is not the trouble. God’s command to pray is for our benefit, not His, Phil. 4:6-7. The struggle is remembering to talk to God without making it nothing but a check in a box. Communication - real, deep communication - is one of my shortcomings. There is only so much of myself that I let be seen. I have my reasons, but I tend to be reserved in any relationship. Rare is the person that can get me to feel comfortable enough to fully open up. I’ve built that habit in my communication with God as well. When I remember (but not as frequently as I should) that my shortcomings shouldn’t keep me from talking to God, I pray. He knows me better than anybody already. There is nothing that is hidden from Him - not even our insecurities - and He still loves us all. That knowledge makes me speak from my heart to the only One that can see the picture in my head before I utter a single word.

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