Legacy & Tribute Gifts

Through generous donations to The Gospel of Christ, these individuals have been honored in either a legacy gift or a memorial tribute.  At The Gospel of Christ, we appreciate the opportunity to spread the message of the Gospel through these kind and generous gifts.  We hope that you will take the time to peruse this list and know that even though many of these individuals have passed from this life, that much like the Bible says about Abel, they continue to speak from the grave through the ability of our program to be broadcast and distributing free media all over the world!

If you are interested in placing a Legacy & Tribute Gift, please click here or contact our office for more information.

**Please note:  This list began to be compiled in January 2018.  If you do not see a name on the list that you believe should be from past gifts, please contact us through our contact form with that information. please also note that the names are only grouped by letter of last name. they are not in alphabetical order, but as they are entered into the legacy gift form.