Posts in Faithfulness
"A War Worth Winning!" - Parker Webster

Each and every day, we are faced with battles, trials and temptations. Some wars we engage in are against ourselves, others, or even circumstances that exist around us. Many times, we can feel like we are losing our battles. Whether they be emotional, spiritual, or even moral battles we cans often feel vulnerable and desperate. The good news is that we have someone on our side who helps us in every battle that we face. We have someone who is "able to deliver" and someone who "helps in time of need."

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The Company You Keep - Amy Lawrence

In psychology, it is known as the Chameleon Effect; the human tendency to mimic those around us spontaneously. I wanted to be part of the group, the “cool” kids’ circle. To be regarded as worth knowing like they were was, to me, worth sacrificing the pieces of myself that were keeping me out of that social circle. Margaret Mitchell once wrote, “It’s hard to salvage jettisoned cargo and, if it is retrieved, it’s usually irreparably damaged. And I fear that when you can afford to fish up the honor and virtue and kindness you’ve thrown overboard, you’ll find they have suffered a sea change and not, I fear, into something rich and strange. ” There are some pieces of ourselves that should be discarded, but I have found that when trying to fit in, I am usually discarding the pieces I need to hang on to in order to be successfully good in the future and hanging on to the pieces that keep me from that future. I turned into this person that fits in, but at what price?

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Keeping Focus

But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God”. Not many have had the experience of plowing a field today unless they grew up on a farm. Have you ever passed a field and wondered how they made the lines so straight? A point must be found ahead of you, and you must focus on that point all the way from the start of the row to the end of the row. If you turn even slightly to one side your line is going to get off. Christ is telling us we must focus on Him; we can’t let the world divert our focus.

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