When Enough is Enough, or is it Enough? - Joey Ferrell

A few months ago, I posted an article regarding the method of evangelism seen in the gospels. In particular, we talked about the efforts of those that Jesus had taught and sent out…and the reward of evangelism that they saw in that Jesus told them to “Rejoice not in these things, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” What a beautiful passage…but there is more to learn.

In Luke 10, the 70 are sent out into the fields for teaching to those that Jesus would soon come to their area. This was a precursor of His teaching in order to prepare the way and to soften hearts that were willing to listen. And much good obviously would come from this. However, we have to remember something VERY important in this passage as well. Look at what is said in Luke 10:10-11:

But whatever city you enter, and they do not receive you, go out into its streets and say, ‘The very dust of your city which clings to us we wipe off against you. Nevertheless know this, that the kingdom of God has come near you.’

(Luke 10:10–11)

You see, even in the wisdom of spreading the message of the Lord Christ Jesus, there would still be times in which we will fail. It won’t be our own failure, but the failure of those with dishonest or hardened hearts that will not receive the word of God, act upon it, and be obedient to it. Jesus said it would happen! He certainly experienced this on His own level as well. He was rejected by many. He was turned away. He was the recipient of quite a bit of animosity and even had stones thrown at Him while he taught.

Certainly, we must do what is required of us in spreading the gospel message; however, wisdom needs to prevail in some discussions. What do I mean? You have probably seen them…maybe even been involved in them…public arguments, social media debates through keyboards, and maybe even one on one bible studies that just don’t go like they should! Just yesterday, I found myself in one of these conversations on social media…and I let my guard down. I allowed someone to get the better of me instead of following Jesus’ words. I realize this is a little different scenario…but is it really?

In a fairly parallel passage in Matthew, the words of Jesus in Matthew 9-10 also tell us to be as cunning as a serpent, but as wise as doves! What does that mean? I truly believe it means to be stern, but also to be kind. Ephesians 4 gives us several passages about how we should act in kindness and I believe it would be a good attribute in order to have in our arsenal when it comes to defending the truth…and doing it in love!

After all, will we win souls if all we are concerned with is winning arguments? I think not.

So, when is the right time to shake the dust off? That is a question that is extremely difficult to even consider answering. I think it would be up to the individual to determine. Jesus did give some aspect of it though - “if they do not receive you…”. To me, that would mean you try to teach truth at least once and test the “spirits” to see where the truth lands. If a relatively good discussion comes from it, then keep on! But…if it does not, maybe try once or twice more…and then it may be time to shake the dust and move on.

Here’s the thing though that I have missed in the past, and I hope to do better in the future….those areas that the dust is shaken off? Well, they are still possibly fertile soil. Maybe not for us…maybe not for today, but if you remember, these 70 men that were sent out were to go into areas in which Jesus would be following. Maybe when Jesus came on the scene…some of those hearts were fertile enough to listen, even after dust blowing in their faces after the 70 left. I was also reminded when listening to a sermon from a lectureship that the text does not tell me to never return…and that is what I must do better personally. What about you?

It is much better to focus on winning souls than winning arguments. Most, if not all times, a “religious” argument does not have a winner…except Satan when souls walk away from truth.

May God bless your efforts in evangelizing and sharing the truth, and certainly in your own quest for truth. We would always love to hear from you if you have questions about your own understanding or salvation.
