Is There Anything Worth Dying For? - Parker Webster

Propaganda photographer and fashion icon, James Jebbia released a rare set of home decor with the skateboarding brand “Supreme” in December 2017. Jebbia is known by the fashion industry to be a controversial giant. Many of his photos are looked down upon by the art and fashion scene due to political and ethical content. So, when this collection of home decor was released, many designers raised eyebrows. One obscure item of his collection was a welcome mat. Usually placed at a front door, this mat had a picture of a gun with a description reading, “there is nothing here worth dying for.”

This year, our nation exceeded spending one trillion dollars on electronic devices alone. America has a problem with spending. We are constantly caught up in owning the latest and greatest. We put so much emphasis on earthly possessions that we may forget what our focus should be. Perhaps materialism affects man today more than ever. We have to have the latest apple product and drive the newest car to be “cool.”

Although I rarely ever endorse or agree with anything in the fashion industry, as a Christian, I think Jebbia’s “rug saying” holds SOME truth. If we were to look in the book of Mark we read, “what does it profit if a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul” (Mark 8:36)

Ultimately, there is nothing physical worth dying for. People break their backs and go into debt just to possess the items of this world. The rich young ruler couldn’t follow Jesus because of his great possessions. (Luke 18:18-23) The world was worth dying for to this young man. We need to make sure we are focusing on banking in heaven (Matt. 6:19-20), rather than dying for Wells Fargo.

Johnny Ramsey used to say, "It's all just going to be burned up anyway." With that in mind, ask yourself, “Is there really anything worth dying for?”

Contributed by
Parker Webster

Minister, Carriage Oaks church of Christ
Bossier City, LA