If A Local Church Does Not Have Two Or More Qualified Men Who Could Be Appointed As Elders, Can They Still Function As A Scriptural Church?

If A Local Church Does Not Have Two Or More Qualified Men Who Could Be Appointed As Elders, Can They Still Function As A Scriptural Church?


There is no indication of elders in the Jerusalem church of Christ until Acts 11:30; yet they were scripturally functioning as the church of Christ. Also, most of the churches did not have elders until Paul and Barnabas were encouraged to begin the process in Acts 14:23; yet these churches of Christ were functioning scripturally until they reached the point of having qualified men of God. The church can still function scripturally without elders, striving to develop and eventually appoint elders. By the way, if there are not two or more men qualified, it would be unscriptural for the church to appoint such men as elders.



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