"Why didn't they offer us a bible study?" - Anonymous

****Editor’s note: This story was used with permission by the author, and is shared for the benefit of opening the eyes of some of our own shortcomings in evangelism and reaching the lost. The article is being published in its entirety without any edits as requested by the family that shared it with us. Their names are not included, neither are the congregations in which they visited. This is just a raw story to help encourage us all to be the best we can.

As an aside, The Gospel of Christ would certainly encourage congregations and individuals to take a look at how this family felt that they were left behind by the church. Our prayer is for this family to continue loving the Lord and that we can all be an encouragement to others in what we see through the eyes of others.

Their journeys to the baptistry both began as young as 8 and 9 years old. You see both became denominational Christians at those ages. Their hearts were sincere with belief and they did exactly the steps they were told. Fast forward, they are married and continue following the traditions that they were raised in, the Southern Baptist Church. About 4 years ago they moved to a new area and decided to find a church that they could serve God in. In the past, they were always searching for the perfect one to fit their wants. This is when they felt their hearts changing and turning more towards God. They dove right in.  Both started teaching Sunday school classes and volunteering at the local mission house in the community. It felt good to be serving others for the Lord.  The husband was teaching an adult class and the wife the Elementary grades.  They began learning specific things about obedience and the importance of baptism, but they still did not understand it all quite yet. The leadership in the church got noticeably unsound so with heavy hearts they left after 3 years. Amid that they had their second daughter. What joy this brought their lives, but this made it more of an urgent matter for them.  They wanted to lead their family correctly according to His Word.  The husband started searching churches with the oldest daughter while the wife was at home recouping with the newborn. He was more mindful to check the scripture against what the preacher was teaching, and quickly was seeing error.   They went to a few different non-denominational churches and ended up back into a comfort zone of the Baptist congregations again, but this next one was considered Independent. After several weeks they noticed Calvinistic beliefs coming out.  They were familiar with Calvinism and knew from studying that specifically it was contradicting to God’s Word so they left. At this point they are tired and weary.  They just wanted to find a church home and family.  Their love for God was growing as they continued in personal studies and prayer.

 You need to know that they had been around Christians their entire lives.  Growing up in West TN and spending their adult lives in Middle TN, but none of them looked or acted any different from any other denominational Christian.  Their view on the Church of Christ was just another Denomination.  Hearing terrible things of the Church.  For instance, it was a cult, baptism being overly emphasized, and they were the only ones going to heaven. Praying and studying the husband felt a shift and threw out the idea of trying the churches of Christ.  They were very nervous and uncomfortable with that.  By trusting in God, taking deep breaths, and praying they visited their first Church of Christ. It was different, but familiar with the Baptist church minus the instrumental music and observation of the Lord’s supper.  They felt very uncomfortable but continued to go and share with this congregation that they had left the Baptist church and were wanting to follow sound doctrine. They were searching for the truth but didn’t realize what that meant at the time. They felt they were hearing the truth there.  Some people were friendly but most not so friendly.  The wife felt judgement quickly to attend on Wednesday even if it was a baby’s bedtime.   They did not understand at this point faithful attendance.   They hadn’t even obeyed the gospel yet!  They really stepped out of their comfort zone when they accepted an informal lunch invitation at a congregant’s home with two other couples. The husband was candid about what they were going through and were searching for a sound church that preached sound doctrine. There was even a convert from a Baptist church there!  He shared his tension filled story of how his parents and him do not get along because of his conversion. That was intense and they still had no clue exactly why there would have been such a line drawn.  They met deacons and elders and the preacher, and no one offered a bible study. Not one. Because that church seemed unfriendly, they decided to try a neighbor’s church. It was Church of Christ too, but not until later did they realize this was what is called and (Non-institutional). The friendliness factor was there.  They enjoyed the preaching and the people. It did not take long to meet with the two elders and get serious about becoming members there. Still no bible study offered.  They began to study more on Baptism specifically because the elders asked them a question, “were you baptized for the remission of sins?” See to join this church you had to have been baptized for the remission of sins. They thought and thought, and both decided, yes. Why would we get baptized for any other reason?  Still studying, the Lord was helping them put pieces together.  They were still under the belief that we were saved before baptism, but that it was step of obedience after your salvation belief. The eldership never asked any other specific questions to help them.  It was like, if you say yes, then sure you can join up with us.  

Now the wheels were spinning and hearts were opening so they studied even harder. Scripture after scripture they found on how baptism signifies the death, burial and resurrection, and how it’s the antitype that saves us, and flat out plain as day Mark 16:16.  They realized that it is not about just one step, it is about all of them together. The gospel is perfectly put together and easy to see when you simply read and study the texts with a sincere open heart.  

Their driving force was from a sincere love for The Heavenly Father. They ended up listening to a Baptist converts podcast one night getting ready for bed. That evening a lightbulb went off simultaneously for them. Not all of what they were taught growing up was false, but that they were led falsely with the gospel. You see, they are products of you cannot be taught wrong and obey right. They wanted to become members of this church but did not realize they needed to be added to the Lord’s church. The thought of their families hindered their baptisms that night. The next day after those conversations occurred nothing was stopping them from obeying the gospel!  Their families were confused but somewhat supportive. They grew so much through continued personal studies and great GBN resources that they found on their own being broadcast locally on TV.  They were on fire to share the gospel, but no one else was. The more verbal they got to encourage biblical things the more they felt that friendliness leave. It became an intolerable environment to worship. The more they learned about God’s Word and His Church they realized error quickly. Remember that vague question they asked them concerning the reason for their past baptism? There were at least two people in that church who had not obeyed the gospel but were accepted members. It broke their hearts for them to be led so incorrectly.   They attempted talking to one lady by sharing their conversion story with her. She had been convinced she was fine because of elderships vague leadership and acceptance. There were other big issues, and they took these matters to eldership, too. They were aware, but the elders had let the leaven grow so much that it would be too hard to get it out now. They had to leave. Discouraged and sad all they had was God’s Word and programs on GBN that kept them encouraged and striving to share the Good News!! Their zeal had not wavered, and they continued attending other congregations. They seemed to find one that the preaching was sound, and the appeal of several young families was promising. Their loneliness and eagerness to be a part of a family of God made them identify quickly. 

Fast forward to today.  They yet again had to remove themselves from a congregation over unsound leadership arising in this case in an absence of an eldership.   

Questions that flood their minds- Why do we feel like our transformation is not understood by many?  Weren’t we all outside of Christ and converted by the gospel?  Why does it feel the churches of Christ are attempting to convert us to their denomination away from the 1st century standards of the New Testament Church?  Why are brethren more interested in clinging to their own man-made traditions while they point fingers at how the denominational world is wrong?  Why is there an arrogance and pridefulness towards the lost?  Why are members of The Church unwilling to share the good news of the Gospel with all they encounter?  How can we be ready to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear 1 Peter 3:15 when we have lost people every Sunday sit next to us in our pews and we pretend they aren’t lost?  When did Matthew 28:19-20 become an option for a Christian and not a command?  When did offering a simple bible study become the furthest thing from a Christian’s mind?