"Stop stealing from a thief!" - Joey Ferrell

What? Someone stealing from a thief? Well, sort of. But it may not be what you are thinking. This thief was not being robbed of valuables at gun point, pilfered through a bank account, or even burglarized at home…many people are still stealing from him, and its something that you might not be imagining just yet…keep reading.

Who is this thief - well, probably the most famous thief in the history of the world - the fella that hung next to Jesus on the cross on that dreaded day that my Lord was crucified.

Now that I have your attention, let’s take a minute to explore the thought of people stealing from this thief. Although his salvation can never be stolen, that is honestly what many people try to steal from him. The result - they steal not only the honor that he received of our Lord saying “today you will be with me in Paradise,” but also they try to steal the authority of Jesus, and possibly even the entire scheme of redemption from the thief…and you…and me!

Let’s explore a few thoughts.

  • Premise one: This man has been said over and over to have not been baptized. That is a problem. It is a problem because not one person alive can prove that he was…or was not! Take a second to think about what he said to Jesus - “remember me when You come into Your Kingdom.” What kingdom? This man is making a great confession here. One that many who try to steal this from him are not willing to make themselves. He is attesting that Jesus is definitely the Lord of Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Daniel, and David. He knew that Jesus would be the head of a kingdom…not just any kingdom…but the one that was at hand!

    Where did he hear about this kingdom? Well, although there is no proof…could he have been on the scene of Matthew 3? Remember in Matthew 3 when Jesus was baptized? Matthew 3:1-3 tells us that John was baptizing in the wilderness, proclaiming that the “kingdom was at hand” and that the prophets had told of One that was coming to be in all power. Wonder if that thief was in that crowd? I do. I also wonder if maybe…just maybe…he could have been baptized under the baptism of John.

  • Second premise: This man lived under the old covenant. His salvation was equal to the same salvation of Moses, Elijah, David, Joseph, John the immerser, and any other who lived prior to the death on the cross! Let that sink in a minute. Every person that had died righteous prior to Jesus’s blood being shed…received that same promise that the thief did that very day. That particular day, every righteous (obedient) person that had died even the day before or minutes before found themselves in Paradise with Jesus that very day. Every soul that had died outside of being obedient to God…well, they had that same day in the Hadean world, but it was not in Paradise. So, what if this man had been obedient in all things…yes, he was accused as a thief, or a rebel. What did he do? I am not sure. Historical accounts state that even slaves that may have committed a crime against their owner could be counted in this number. Maybe he was like Onesimus that we read about later in Colossians and Philemon. But, could he have kept all the statutes as best he could, made all the sacrifices required, possibly, as previously stated, been baptized for repentance…even of the very sins that he may have committed of that nailed him to the cross. Either way…he expressed his penitence on the cross that very day.

  • Third premise: Why would someone doubt the deity of the Lord? John 1:1 says that the Word was in the beginning, with God and was God. The Word that became flesh in verse 14 is definitely Jesus as He is identified by John a little further in the text. So, if that be the case, then Jesus is God! I believe it. I suspect you do too. So why would anyone NOT believe that? Honestly, putting all other thoughts aside, this is the one that destroys any thought of the “non-baptism” of the thief and therefore a “loose step” in the plan of salvation including baptism for the remission of sins (c.f. Acts 2:38, 22:16, Mark 16:16, 1 Peter 3:21, etc.) If Jesus is equal to God, then He had the authority to make people rise from death, walk from being lame, see from being blind...and be forgiven of sins! It is clearly an illogical argument when applying the weight of these truths to the question.

So….what about the thief on the cross? Well, what about him? He was in Paradise with Jesus on that very day because Jesus said he was. Nobody can ever argue that…and they usually will not, however, the claws of satan have reached out and caused confusion in this world through lies and deceit. No wonder it is said of the devil that he is the father of all lies! Look at how many souls he has captured in this treacherous lie!

Be patient with anyone that has this objection. They have most likely been taught to defend a handed down belief system that holds no weight in the totality of salvation. Jesus said it…that is what He meant. One MUST be baptized into His death for the forgiveness of sins in order to be saved! Don’t let your emotions get the best of you when in a discussion like this. Arguments can be won, but souls can be lost. Work to identify these three premises, or maybe you can even find others that identify that this idea and question is an illogical one and that as Jesus said “the truth shall make you free.”

At The Gospel of Christ, we have multiple videos, audio, and transcripts regarding the very important issue of salvation. If you or anyone you know needs or wants to study this through, please let us know how we can help!

In Love for Christ,
