It Never Gets Old - and You Had a Part! - Joey Ferrell

I received a video in an email a few weeks ago. It was from the man in the picture’s grandfather-in-law, He had reached out to tell us about his granddaughter’s husband watching one of the episodes on baptism that has been airing throughout October and November.

He said, “The last weeks lesson on baptism helped my grand daughter’s husband to be baptized".”

We hope you will join us in praying for Clayton and for his journey as a new babe in Christ. To God be the glory!

Today, as we opened the incoming mail, there was a letter from a new Christian in North Carolina. He said that he had known what he was needing to do for many years, but in his 80s, he had been studying through some of our transcripts on baptism and was recently baptized at the local church where he lives and has attended for years.

Another soul added to the church. To God be the glory!

What a blessing! We don’t always hear of the good news, but we always are hopeful that one way or another we are reaching lost souls through television, our app, transcripts, articles, studies with people that call in or who come to speaking engagements that we may be present.

These two precious souls obeyed the gospel because they heard the word of God (Romans 10:17), they believed in what they heard through the local preaching and through opportunities to study such as The Gospel of Christ programs (John 8:24). They showed their desire to change their lives in repentance (Acts 3:19-20), confessed Jesus as God’s own living son (Matthew 10:32-33), and they were immersed in the watery grave of baptism for the remission of their sins (Acts 2:38, 22:16). It was at that point that they became my brothers in Christ…your brothers in Christ…members of the one true church - the Lord’s church and they were added to that one body by the blood of the Lamb! (Acts 2:47). Hallelujah Praise Jehovah!

Why do we share this? Because of you! Many of you pray for our efforts, some even daily. We appreciate that so much. Many of you encourage us by sharing our content and telling others about this work. We certainly are thankful for that. Some of you financially support this work…and to that we are unimaginably grateful. You see, it is not our work…it is the Lord’s work. He has entrusted you and I to sow the seed, cultivate it, water it…but it is God who will give that increase. We are soldiers working together to do what we can to reach souls by teaching and living our lives sharing the Gospel with others (1 Timothy 4:16). You were a big part of these precious souls in this process…and to that we say thank you…and to God be all glory!

Joey Ferrell