Change? For the Better! - Joey Ferrell

As we come to the end of another year, I cannot help but reflect on this year to embrace some changes, to consider those things that I could have changed, and what things still may need to be changed…but not just changed, because we know that change is inevitable, but change for the better!

In the book of Hebrews, the word “better” shows up 13 times. Now, ironically, there are 13 chapters; however, the word is duplicated in some places but not in every chapter. Why is that important? Well, let’s talk about the overall concept of things being better in that letter that was written.

Jesus was better than the angels (Hebrews 1:4)

Jesus was the better sacrifice (Hebrews 9:22)

Jesus ushered in a better covenant (Hebrews 7:22, 8:6)

God provided something better and a better place for us! (Hebrews 11:16, 11:40)

Those are just a few of the statements made of the 13 talking about being better. But, there is one that really stands out to me personally, and this is it:

"But, beloved, we are confident of better things concerning you, yes, things that accompany salvation, though we speak in this manner." Hebrews 6:9

Did you see what is said? “We are confident of BETTER things concerning you…”

Within the context, the writer identifies some things that were not so great from some of those who had gotten “stuck” in their maturity of the word and of Jesus Christ. You might recognize verse 1 especially talking about moving along from those first principles (the “easier” stuff) to some much more challenging ideas.

The writer does not leave us wondering what those things were and are. He uses some great analogies, as well as couples the work of God in salvation of His children to being the formula in which these “better” things will be seen.

The chapter rounds out talking about the hope in Jesus being the ANCHOR of our faith and of our lives being “better” in Him.

That is what I want to focus on for just a moment in closing.

Each year, many will make resolutions, or at least have some thoughts about how the new year will be a better one for them or those that they love. I know oftentimes, not only in the new year, but also in my own prayers, I ask God to help me to be a better husband, father, grandfather, friend, man, and especially Christian in which others may see Christ in me. Sometimes those thoughts and prayers seem to motivate me to become better…and then sometimes I fail miserably. But, that is what is so wonderful about having the idea that we can start fresh at times. I am not just referring to what we might find on a calendar - because simply it is just another day that the Lord may bless us with to be able to rise from a sleep and live on this earth. I am referring to more than just that.

When we put on Christ in baptism, we begin a fresh new start. It is a time of rejoicing for our own souls and from the many saints that love us as well. But, we cannot stop there. We must strive to do better. We must leave behind those things that were of the “old” person and move to find those things that will strengthen our faith, hope, influence, love, and become a new person. Yes, it really is that simple. Baptism cleanses us from all sin and sets us free from the stains of those sins…but we must be better!

It isn’t always easy to live in a world filled with immorality, temptation, sin, discouragement, and strife; however, we have a better life to live. Sometimes we may feel that we cannot be better, but we must strive to be. We will fail. The bible tells me that. But, we have that better Advocate in Jesus to help us in that as well. It is obvious throughout the book of Hebrews that there were as many failures in mankind as there are those stories of faithfulness. Those stories of failure can be turned around! That is what I see in Hebrews 6:9.

You see, if we back up a few verses to verse 5 and 6, we see that there will be some of us (really all of us most likely) that will stumble. We will make bad decisions. We will sin “putting Christ on the cross afresh.” But, there is Good News! Because of His sacrifice…that BETTER sacrifice, we can put those sins way back behind us in repentance and with the amazing forgiveness of our God. Then…we just need to strive to do better!

It is my prayer, that my life is better in this new year. Lord willing, if we all live and Jesus does not return before the end of this new year that we can all reflect back and say, “I am BETTER!”

Happy New Year and may God bless you all!
