An Unhealthy Home - Amy Lawrence

An Unhealthy Home

In order to come to an understanding of what constitutes an unhealthy home, we must first define a healthy one. God describes the tools needed to establish a healthy home in Ephesians chapters 5-6; how husband and wife should behave toward one another, how children should behave toward parents, and how parents should behave toward children. In Jeremiah chapter 35, Jeremiah tells us of a family known as the Rechabites. God contrasts the disobedience of Judah to the obedience of the sons of Jonadab. Jonadab had taught his sons how to respect authority and be obedient, whether it be toward him or God. God commends Jonadab and his sons, concluding that his household will always have a man that will stand before God. Abraham was given the same commendation (Gen. 18:19). We see in this a healthy home. 

An unhealthy home is created when those in the home do not follow the instructions given to us by God Almighty - whether knowingly or out of ignorance. This creates conflict in the home and an atmosphere for negative influence to become an issue.  Let’s look at some Biblical examples of this:

-Eli’s family in the book of 1 Samuel shows how a lack of restraint can do harm (1 Sam. 3:13). Eli’s sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were corrupt. As priests, they had the responsibility God placed upon the descendants of Aaron to uphold the statutes of the sacrifices (Ex. 27-31). Eli was supposed to teach his sons to fear the Lord, but according to 1 Sam. 2:12, they “knew not the Lord”. Hophni and Phinehas, never having been taught to be in submission to their father, had no respect toward Eli. All of Israel suffered because of Eli’s failure to stand up to his sons and rebuke them for their sin. 

-The family of Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25-27) reveals the kind of turmoil that is found in a family where there is favoritism (Gen. 25:28). Jacob used his brother’s lack of self-control to gain the inheritance that was due his brother (Gen. 25:29-34). The favoritism carried over into Jacob’s family as well. Jacob favored Joseph over his other sons (Gen. 37:3). This created enmity between him and his brethren, and they later sold him into slavery.

-Solomon was warned of what would happen if he chose to marry foreign women (1 Kings 11:1-3). Like so many, Solomon allowed the influence of someone he loved to turn his heart in a direction that took him away from God. 

Our spiritual education begins at home, Deut. 6:4-9. It is a place where we should feel the most comfortable, and where the most important stages of our growth happen. But is the soil of your home healthy…or unhealthy? If you answered unhealthy, then look to scripture in how to make it healthy.

-Is there love in your home? 1 Cor. 13

-Is there daily Bible study in your home? 2 Tim. 3:14-15

-Is there order in your home? Eph. 6:1-4

It’s a place to start. When God rules the home, then and only then will you find a healthy home.