Article - Does Forgiveness Remove All Consequences? (Part 2)

From the previous article we learned that although the consequences of the sins of Adam, Eve, Moses and David continued to affect them until their death, they were forgiven of their sins by God and are likely enjoying the bliss of Paradise to this day (Luke 23:43; Hebrews 11). The Bible says that the blood of Jesus cleanses sins (not the consequences of those sins, Revelation 1:5). However, the cleansing blood of Jesus only comes after one has repented of those sins (and been baptized, if not a Christian, Acts 2:38). If any one of these Old Testament characters had asked God to forgive him but were not genuinely sorry, did not have a change of heart and did not intend to cease their sinful activity, God would not have forgiven him. God does not forgive anyone who is not willing to repent (Acts 17:30; 2 Peter 3:9). Furthermore, if a Christian or non-Christian asks God to forgive him of his adulterous marriage, but then enters right back into that same unscriptural marriage, God has not forgiven him. Repentance must precede forgiveness (Luke 17:3). Repentance is not just being pricked in your heart and saying you are sorry (Acts 2:37-38). It involves a genuine change of heart which results in changing any unscriptural action and/or activity (Acts 26:20). Can a thief repent and still keep the car he stole (Mark 6:17-18)? Are you willing to gain or hold on to an unscriptural marriage that you say makes you happy and lose your own soul by exchanging it for the passing pleasures of sin (Mark 8:34-38; Hebrews 11:25)?


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