Planting Trees - sort of - Joey Ferrell

It has been said that “the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, and the second best time is today.”

The idea behind this is that trees are not full grown when they are planted. I live near several nurseries and walk or drive past one nearly every day. Recently, they have been working the fields and over the past few days many little seedlings have been deposited into the ground.

These seedlings are no bigger than a mere dandelion or a small ragweed. Even though, this nursery must plant these little seedlings to continue their business for the next 5,10, and even 30 years from now. It’s a job of patience and the reward will not be seen for many years to come even in the smallest growth. Through the diligence of those workers 20 years ago, I see the fruit of those labors as I walk past. And now I see those newer and younger workers preparing the way for the next generation.

Let’s talk about the church now.

There is a plaguing epidemic in the church. The epidemic is the trend of the church shrinking. Not only is it shrinking in members and new converts; but, this epidemic goes much further into a bigger challenge.

Currently, there is a widely known “shortage” of ministers (add in preachers, youth ministers and so on), but even a much bigger challenge is the lack of qualified leadership. God has His design for the church. That design is that EVERY congregation should have men serving as elders (pastors, bishops, shepherds, presbyters) working in a role of guiding, overseeing and protecting the flock through example and instruction. Design also includes servants, appropriately named deacons representing the term of a servant minister in the Bible.

While it is true that a congregation can function without deacons and some would suggest that she can function without elders and I have both been in congregations without and served in congregations without, the biblical design is to have qualified elders in every church.

But, let’s think about this idea of the tree.

If those nurserymen KNOW that without proper planting and nurturing in growth of these seedlings, proper care of predatory weeds, pests and animals, just sat outside on their porch looking at the barren land saying something like “well, there’s just nothing we can do about it, maybe some day we will harvest some more trees,” do you think they would stay in business or reap a harvest?

Certainly we understand this. So, why…oh why, in the church do we sit back and say things similar? Why do we sit back and expect God to providentially provide elders and deacons? Why do we sit back and not invest in our own young people, brethren and community in order to “plant” these new seedlings?

You can unlock the church doors every Sunday and every Wednesday and lots of people can certainly come in the doors…and we greet them by saying “hi sister Sally, or how are you brother Fred?” But what about Nicholas, the young man that was at the ball field the other day that you saw trying to win the heart of a young lady sitting near. What about that new couple that moved in to uncle Charlie’s house? Of course, let’s not forget about Sam, who grew up attending the church since he was 2 but now in his 40s has never obeyed the gospel.

Friends, evangelism is MORE than gospel meetings, VBS, fellowship meals, and the occasional invitation. It is also so much more than plopping a sermon or church service on social media and celebrating the hundreds or thousands of people that click that link all over the world. All of these things can be and are good when they are used as part of evangelism, but too many workers are wondering if a seedling tree is just going to pop up…and then hope…that the mower doesn’t run over it, the animals don’t trample it, or the county weed spraying truck doesn’t poison it.

The absolute best time to “plant” seeds that will grow into elders, deacons, preachers, and good faithful Christian men and women in the church WAS 20 years ago….but the second best time to “plant” is today!

From the field…

Things have been pretty busy with visits in Tennessee, Oklahoma, and Florida. We love to get out and meet new people and talk about all of the exciting things happening at The Gospel of Christ.

We have launched in Winston-Salem, made a few channel changes in some markets, and working to grow our outreach digitally. FETV has expanded their coverage in 8 additional states, giving us more viewership than we have ever seen before in states that we have not seen much activity from in the past. Exciting times to be working in the kingdom and sowing seed together!

Can we come and visit with your congregation soon? Let us know who we should speak with and we will make it work if we can!

Back to the video processing….updated series and new recordings coming soon!

Joey Ferrell