Heaven, Our Forever Home - Ben Bailey

Heaven, Our Forever Home

“There remains therefore a rest for the people of God” (Heb. 4:9).  With these words the Hebrews writer reminds us of our forever home—Heaven.  Unlike the Israelites who were heading toward the physical home of Canaan, Christians are journeying toward our final destination of Heaven.  As we think about that forever home each of us are probably made to ask, “What will Heaven really be like?”  Notice how the Bible describes the beauty of Heaven.

          Our forever home will be a wonderful place of rest after the struggles of this life have ended.  Each one of us gets tired after a long hard day of work.  We enjoy putting up our feet at the end of a long day and relaxing.  While earthly rest will not begin to compare to heavenly rest, what a joy it is to know that Heaven is a place of rest.  There will be no more labor, toil, and striving against sin.    The writer of Hebrews describes it in this way.  “There remains a rest for the people of God” (Heb. 4:9).  This rest contrasted with and was greater than the promise rest Joshua had given the people of Israel in Canaan (Heb. 4:1ff). 

          Our forever home will be great because it will be a place where we can worship God fully.  Someone has said, “If you don’t enjoy worship here on earth, you probably won’t enjoy Heaven either.”  Why?  Because much of what we see going on in Heaven is worship to Almighty God.  For example, in Revelation 4&5 those in Heaven are throwing down their crowns and worshipping God in song.  This gives us insight as to what will happen in Heaven (Rev. 4:9-10).

          Our forever home will be amazing because it is described as a place of endless joy.   One of the great things about Heaven will be the absolute joy that God’s people possess.  All of us will admit that one of the worst things about this life is sadness.  Isn’t it wonderful to know that Heaven is a place of infinite joy?  To the servant who used his talents to the glory of God Jesus said, “…enter into the joy of your Lord” (Matt. 25:21).  

          How wonderful it is to know that when the toils and struggles of this life are over and we hear the Words, “Well done, good and faithful servant enter into the joys of your Lord” that we can partake in all the wonder and beauty of our Heavenly Home.  May God help each of us to life in such a way that Heaven will be our forever home!                            --Ben Bailey

Ben Bailey